


Montana 1948 is set in Mercer County, Montana. Mercer County is in the Northeast corner of Montan, 12 miles from Canada and 10 miles from North Dakota. The temperatures are extreme, once reaching 106 degrees in July and -40 in January. Mercer Country has flat plains and the only trees that grow are the ones that have been planted by people.


On the western edge of the county and extending into two other counties was the Warren Indian reservation. It was the rockiest, sadiest land in the county. in 1948 much of the reservation was unpaved and the huts look like they couldn't hold back a breeze. Many of David's weekends are spent at his grandfathers ranch. He has a horse their named nutty. he is most peaceful here because its open and almost never ending. He can fish, shot guns, ride his horse and do everything he wants at the ranch.


It's set in the summer of 1948 in Bentrock, Montana (in Mercer County). Bentrock has a population of less than 2000 people. Bentrock is mostly farm and ranch country. The land is dry and sparse, with plains, gullies, ravines, and low rocky hills. It is located on the Knife River, a very dull body of water often freezing over by Thanksgiving. The town is a relatively tranquil area of Montana.


The town stood for social order, good manners, the chimed schedules of school and church and was made for storekeepers, teachers, ministers, for the rule-makers, the order-givers and the law enforcers.


the town is not huge and David says "[he] could be out in minutes, whether I walked, biked, ran, or followed the railroad tracks just on the other side of our backyard."